Best-in-class service and positive work environment go hand in hand

We aim to deliver a best-in-class service across everything we do, and create a positive environment for both our clients and our employees. We achieve this by:

  • Listening closely to client needs before recommending a course of action, to ensure the best possible outcomes
  • Encouraging and facilitating a culture of collaboration, open communication and trust
  • Creating an environment in which everyone is treated fairly and with respect, the need for a good work-life balance is recognised, and where all employees work as one team
  • Striving to continually improve as a business, including by proactively soliciting and acting on client and employee feedback and seeking opportunities for learning and innovation.

The evidence of client and staff satisfaction can be seen in our positive feedback from customers, and in our low annual staff turnover of just 3%.

Diversity and inclusion

As a multi-jurisdictional law firm that employs people from different countries and of different nationalities, we are naturally diverse. Today, we are proud of the gender and cultural balance of the company, and see diversity as one of our biggest assets.

Our hiring practices and our inclusivity initiatives, including those promoting the representation of women, make MSA IP an exemplar of workplace diversity.

Cultural diversity

Our core countries are those of former Yugoslavia, which only three decades ago were an arena of conflict and war. We are proud that, since MSA IP’s establishment, professionals of different nationalities have worked together as one team.
Over time, our team has been joined by people from all over the world, including Spain, Ethiopia, France, South Africa, Thailand, and the USA. Now, our international team comprises more than 12 nationalities and collectively speaks more than 15 languages. Thanks to our ethos of respect and tolerance, new team members integrate seamlessly regardless of any cultural or language differences.

Gender equality

Since its establishment, women have played a very important role in our firm. More than 70% of our employees are women, and we are committed to promoting gender balance in our management team.

Fair and inclusive employment policies

We strongly believe that every employee brings unique perspectives and experiences that can advance our vision, mission and progress. All our employees are treated fairly and equally, regardless of nationality, race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, religion, political opinion, social status, disability, age, or any other characteristic. All employment decisions, from recruitment to performance reviews and promotion, are made solely on an individual’s ability to do the job.
Our managers are fully trained in the principles of non‐discrimination, and our policies promote equality and prohibit harassment in the workplace.

Team qualifications and training

We are proud that more than 95% of our employees, including paralegals and administrative staff, have university degrees, in topics ranging from law to mechanical engineering.

MSA IP’s attorneys-at-law and trademark and patent attorneys are graduates of prestigious universities and are licensed to practise in relevant jurisdictions. Before joining the firm, most of them had already practised IP law, either in other eminent law firms or in national IP Offices, the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the European Patent Office (EPO).

The diverse backgrounds and previous working experiences of our employees enable them to view issues from different angles. Each team member’s unique perspective on a project’s goals adds value and improves outcomes for our clients.

Just as our company culture is one of continuous improvement, we encourage the same from our employees. We facilitate this through support for professional development and career advancement, including in-house and external training opportunities.

People care

As our people are key to our success, we want to maximise workplace satisfaction for all employees.
We have created a positive work environment in which everyone is treated fairly and with respect, and where all employees work as one team.

We understand the importance of building personal connections and trust between team members. To that end we regularly organise get-togethers outside the office and team building events. We also provide catered lunch for employees in the office. Over these shared meals, our employees have the opportunity to communicate and create stronger bonds in a more relaxed setting.

We are very sensitive to the work-life balance needs of our employees, in particular those with small children, and we try to provide any assistance that we can in that respect. Our employees’ family members are welcome to participate in selected social gatherings organised by the firm.


Milan Milojevic

Attorney at Law, Founder and Managing Partner

Vuk Sekulic

Attorney at Law, Founder and Managing Partner

Milos Bogdanovic

Attorney at Law, Partner

Mirjana Saric

Attorney at Law, Partner

Stefan Bojovic

Attorney at Law, Partner

Jelena Pribic, Ph.D.

European Patent Attorney, Partner

Aleksandra Zivkovic

Legal Associate

Azra Coralic

Trademark Attorney

Dragana Vulovic

Attorney at Law

Dzevad Coralic

Trademark Attorney

Elena Bliznakovska-Mladenovska

Trademark Attorney

Emir Tetaric

Trademark Attorney

Ivana Jauković

Ivana Jaukovic

Legal Associate

Ivan Matic

Ivan Matic

Senior Associate

Jana Bajić

Jana Bajic

Attorney at Law

Jelena Petrović

Jelena Petrovic

Attorney at Law

John O’Brien, J.D.

John O’Brien, J.D.

Attorney at Law

Jovana Kraljević-Vukoičić

Jovana Kraljevic-Vukoicic

Attorney at Law

Leticia Junquera Lara

Leticia Junquera Lara

Attorney at Law

Maja Pirija

Maja Pirija

Trademark Attorney

Marija Žarković Čamba

Marija Zarkovic-Camba

Legal Associate

Marin Karuza

Marin Karuza

Attorney at Law

Marina Kecman

Marina Kecman

Attorney at Law

Milica Makević – Stanojević

Milica Makevic–Stanojevic

Attorney at Law

Nemanja Miličević

Nemanja Milicevic

Attorney at Law

Nevena Komarica

Nevena Komarica

Attorney at Law

Nikola Totić

Nikola Totic

Attorney at Law

Olga Pavićević

Olga Pavicevic

Attorney at Law

Pavle Čuljković

Pavle Culjkovic

Legal Associate

Taljat Agush

Attorney at Law

Tatyana Mova

Trademark and Patent Attorney

Velislav Dramov

Attorney at Law

Zorana Joksović

Zorana Joksovic

Attorney at Law

Jelena Bojanić

Jelena Bojanic

Patent Attorney

Nataliya Osipenko

Patent Attorney

Slavica Cvetojević

Slavica Cvetojevic

Patent Attorney

Verica Kedža

Verica Kedza

Patent Attorney

Ana Milicevic

Chief Operating Officer

Branislava Boskovic

Head of Patent Portfolio Management Department

Dragoljub Arandjelovic

Head of Trademark Searches

Ivana Ignjatijevic

Head of Trademark Portfolio Management

Nevena Djurdjevic

Head of Trademark & Design Prosecution

Aleksandra Šeleda

Aleksandra Seleda

Senior Trademark Specialist – Portfolio Services

Ana Sarajcic

Senior Trademark Specialist – Renewals Coordinator

Anja Koncarevic

Senior Paralegal – Trademark Account Specialist

Bojana Milošević

Bojana Milosevic

Senior Paralegal

Borislav Madzarev

Senior Trademark Paralegal

Dijana Djolović

Dijana Djolovic

Trademark Account Specialist

Emilija Jovanovic

Senior Trademark Paralegal

Emilija Knezevic

Senior Patent Paralegal

Ivana Jocic

Team Lead – Trademark Portfolio Services

Jovana Marjanov

Team Lead – Trademark Portfolio Services

Marko Travica

Senior Trademark Paralegal

Milena Djuric

Senior Trademark Specialist – Filing Coordinator

Milena Pavlovic

Senior Trademark Paralegal

Milica Rakic

Team Lead – Patent Portfolio Services

Milica Tustic

Senior Trademark Specialist

Milica Zivojinovic

Senior Paralegal – Trademark Account Specialist

Nemanja Petrovic

Senior Trademark Specialist

Nevena Velicanin

Senior Trademark Paralegal

Ruzica Cocic

Ruzica Cocic

Senior Trademark Paralegal

Sanja Trikoš

Sanja Petkovic

Patent Specialist

Sosina Moges

Trademark Account Specialist

Vladana Vasic

Vladana Vasic

Senior Trademark Paralegal

Aleksandra Ristić

Aleksandra Ristic


Aleksandra Vuković

Aleksandra Vukovic


Ana Pokimica

Ana Pokimica


Ana Tankosić

Ana Tankosic


Anđela Milojević

Andjela Milojevic


Andrej Vasiljev

Andrej Vasiljev


Andrijana Ilijevski

Andrijana Ilijevski


Andrijana Milosavljević

Andrijana Milosavljevic


Ankica Ljomov

Ankica Ljomov


Biljana Despotović

Biljana Despotovic


Bojana Stamenovska

Bojana Stamenovska


Branislava Novković

Branislava Novkovic


Dajana Heđan

Dajana Ardeljan


Dimitrije Tešmanović

Dimitrije Tesmanovic


Eleonora Stojkovska

Eleonora Stojkovska


Jasmina Jovcic


Jelena Petković

Jelena Vukasinovic


Jovana Mladenović

Jovana Mladenovic


Katarina Slijepcevic


Katarina Milosavljević

Katarina Milosavljevic


Marija Despotović – Aleksovski

Marija Despotovic–Aleksovski


Marija Dimitrijević

Marija Dimitrijevic


Marija Mišković

Marija Miskovic


Mila Karać

Mila Karac


Milena Elezović

Milena Elezovic


Milena Veljković

Milena Veljkovic


Milica Milojević

Milica Milojevic


Milica Simonovski

Milica Baros


Milica Subotić

Milica Subotic


Natalija Štrbac

Natalija Strbac


Nevena Antonić

Nevena Antonic


Nevena Robović

Nevena Robovic


Nevena Šarenac

Nevena Sarenac


Nikola Stanković

Nikola Stankovic

Brand Protection Analyst

Olivera Šumenković

Olivera Sumenkovic


Sanja Veličković

Sanja Velickovic


Sara Ubiparip

Sara Ubiparip


Simona Simonovska

Simona Simonovska


Somchai Pierrat

Somchai Pierrat


Sonja Šobot

Sonja Sobot


Tamara Čoko

Tamara Coko


Teodora Milačić

Teodora Milacic


Tina Galic


Vesna Radovanovic


Ana Sekulić

Ana Sekulic

Marketing Manager

Desanka Šubic

Desanka Subic

Finance Manager

Nevena Aničić

Nevena Anicic

HR Manager

Vanja Radunović

Vanja Radunovic

IT Manager

Aleksandra Stojanović

Aleksandra Stojanovic


Danijela Đekić

Danijela Djekic

Accounting and Administrative Assistant

Darko Jojic

Administrative Assistant

Dragan Radić

Dragan Radic

Administrative Assistant

Dragana Garašanin

Dragana Garasanin

Accounting and Administrative Assistant

Jovana Stojkovic

Office Manager

Mirjana Pantić

Mirjana Pantic

Administrative Assistant